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tv   New Day  CNN  January 12, 2018 4:00am-5:00am PST

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i would like to hear them speak. i don't view them as a barometer for american views. >> phil mudd from the state of -- well, i'm not going to say it. >> thank you for sharing. thanks to our international viewers. for you "cnn talk "is next. for the rest of our viewers, we continue. >> you say no because they're from a shithole because of the color of their skin? >> this is twisted around. >> this is not a coincidence. this is a pattern of behavior. >> this is just beneath the president is seu. he doesn't quite get what it is that really makes america great. >> truer words haven't been said. this is what people say around their kitchen table. >> what is the staff talking about? he is talking about appealing to his base on a racist comment. >> the president triggering chaos on the hill by contradicting his own opinion on the fisa.
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>> the president is watching cartoons in the morning instead of something else. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to your "new day". chris is off. john berman joins me. >> no bleeping. >> value tkpwr racially charged comments made by the president are sending shock waves around the world. a source tells cnn in a meeting with a handful of senators, president trump slammed senators from blank hole countries, referring to people from africa, haiti, el salvador. and suggesting we should bring in more people from countries like norway. the white house has not denied that he made the countries. >> they are proud. 7:00 a.m. on the east coast and nothing from paul ryan or mitch mcconnell. or will they smile and say the
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president just says salty things. it's a heck of a time to be silent about racist things. this is how the president's hometown paper is handling the comments this morning. this is the new york daily news. let that sink in for just a moment right now. let's go to the white house. our joe johns there this morning. good morning, joe. >> reporter: good morning, john. not denying it here. the white house is counting on the president's base to embrace these comments, confident they will, even though immigration talks thrown into a tailspin because the president was responding to a professional that would have created more protections for immigrants from hispanic and black countries.
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president trump deriding immigrants from haiti and some nations in africa, asking the group of lawmakers, why are we having all of these people from shithole countries come here, before saying we should accept people from norway. a frustrated mr. trump then went further saying why do we need more haitians? take them out. the white house not denying the racially charged remarks, insisting mr. trump is fighting for permanent solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation. a white house official downplaying it saying the president's comments will resonate with trump's base just like his attacks on nfl players kneeling for the national anthem. >> get that son of a bitch off the field. >> reporter: it comes after mr. trump made similar comments at a different oval office last summer, claiming all haitians have aids. and once nigerians see the u.s., they will never go back to their huts. the white house adamantly denied
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this reporting and on the campaign trail, he had a starkly different message for haitians in miami when he was courting their vote. >> i will be your champion. >> reporter: the president's shithole comment just the latest in a pattern of racially charged remarks. >> i would like to have him show his birth certificate. >> they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. they're rapists. >> you also had people they were very fine people on both sides. >> reporter: he is still insisting he's not a racist. >> i am the least racist person that you have ever met. i am the least racist person. >> reporter: on capitol hill, bipartisan condemnation. >> attacking people based on their race, where they come from, their gender is just unacceptable. and i think the white house is facing a moral freefall. >> reporter: republican congresswoman nia love, whose parents are from haiti,
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demanding an apology, asserting the comments are divisive, elitist and fly in the face of our nation's values. the only african-american republican senator tim scott calling the remarks disappointing. but the majority of congressional republicans and gop leadership keeping quiet. and the president is up this morning and tweeting about the daca deal that he was presented that he rejected. that is in some ways the source of all of this latest controversy. here's the tweet. the so-called bipartisan daca deal presented yesterday to myself and senators was a big step backwards. wall was not properly funded, chain and lottery were made worse and usa would be forced to take large numbers of people from high crime and presumably the rest of that is something like high crime nations. haven't seen the rest of it, however. back to you. >> okay, joe. thank you for all of that reporting.
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joining us is gregory and april ryan. as joe pointed out, this isn't the first time we heard the president say something racist. it is is still stunning. it is stunning every time you hear it. >> yes, stunning. but the problem is there are people who listen to this. you know, a lot of people are going by feelings and what have you. and i asked around to republican leaders, michael steele a few weeks ago, saying this is a white house that is very can concerned with the browning of this nation. this is what michael steele, african-american, said to me. i talked to so many different people. my phones were blowing up and text messages were coming in. i heard from presidents of historically black colleges and universities talking about the fact that they have a large
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contingent of national students who come to their schools to learn and obtain degrees to be functioning, working citizens, global citizens is, if not u.s. citizens. i talked to politicians. people are very upset with this. this is not normal. and it should not sit well with people. and i also talked -- alisyn, this is the biggest piece. people like to say the word racist. people say, no, it's not racist. but i ask for the definition of what a racist is from the naacp, hillary shelton, last night. he said when you have racial prejudice and power that come together, racial prejudice and power that come together, it begs the question did the president make a racial statement yesterday? >> racist. >> alisyn, you said this is stunning. while i agree with you on every front, i think it's not stunning. this fits a pattern. we have heard these statements -- >> i know. this is why it is not surprising
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and shocking at the same time. >> you know what is stun to go me. gregory, its is now 7:07 a.m. and we have not heard from paul ryan and mitch mcconnell. it is stun to go me they do not weigh in here. it is stunning that nia love puts out a statement where she calls for an apology. tim scott said he is disappointed. those are not as far as you can go. but the republican leadership says nothing. either they agree with it or they're scared. >> business is at hand. it is trying to get an immigration bill and solution for dreamers. this is a president who claims he wants to make america great while really using language and acting in a way that brings out
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the very worst of america. classic nationalist in that sense. what he did is other things that are so ignorant on their face. particularly stunning for a president of the united states who would have those views, let alone then say them because the contrary evidence is right in front of him. on top of that ignorance, it gets in the way of everything he said he wants to do. he talks about pursuing an immigration bill of love and now he's talking about s-hole countries and keeping people out. not truly understanding who we are as a people. not understanding how well immigrants from around the world assimilate into this country and make it so strong. and he's got plenty of employees and his properties who are immigrants as well. the ignorance is stunning. but the damage is just piling up.
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>> april, listen, bill christal just echoed what david just said. i don't know why this makes me so emotional. two weeks ago a 26-year-old soldier raced repeatedly into a burning bronx apartment building, saving four people before he died in the flames. his name was private emmanuel mensah and he immigrated from ghana, a country donald trump apparently thinks produces very subpar immigrants. i don't know why the president doesn't know that. >> here's a couple of things, alisyn. and you have me emotional because of your emotion. and trying to report without getting emotional. you have a president.
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and the onus is on those in this country who voted for him or didn't vote. and i think something back to maya angelou said. when someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them. the african-american community was screaming when he kept saying make america great again. that was cold? what time period were you talking about? then you had a president who could not get it right when it came to issues of charlottesville. then he will change the narrative about taking the knee. it was about police-involved shootings. it wasn't about the flag. it wasn't about the soldiers. and it wasn't about this country. it was about changing the dynamic to stop what's been going on hundreds of years. you have a president who today, and this is the irony, today will is celebrate mlk day at the white house. >> it just adds to all the emotion.
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it adds to the horror. >> right. and today is the eighth anniversary of that deadly earthquake in haiti. but you also have a president who can't get the name of tanzania right. barack obama, bill clinton, and george w. bush really tried to work with africa. he's basically saying africa and haiti don't exist. africa is very important. there is a big reason why and he needs to focus on africa and not look at them as a loser country. africa has issues of terrorism in countries that are not democratically ruled. but you also have a greatness in africa. mineral rich. china is working.
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. it's not just a racial issue. he doesn't understand diplomacy. what africa and haiti bring. and el salvador bring to the global community and the united states of america. >> he's defending his immigration stance right now. this gets to what america is about. >> and we don't want somebody like this in the country. somebody who ran into the burning building in the country? that's just heartbreaking. >> you don't want people who suffer. you don't want people who come from places where things are bad. >> and people who are not blonde and blue eyed. you want just norwegians. >> this is a debate about america. people in america right now need to look inwards and figure out how they feel about what is
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being said. >> look, the president's disapproval is so high because he has made himself such a narrow thinking and narrow governing political figure who is not expanding his base and not really reflective of america. he is reflective of a strain of pop limp in this country that did result in his election. from charlottesville to these comments, a pattern of hateful ignorance that only bolster racist attitudes and predate his time even thinking about politics. so this is a pattern that is clear. and what you've got now is congressional leadership that continues to be afraid of on poking the bear. >> they're couple accomplicive. they are coupmplacenuple phreum. >> the difficulty they have
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should be obvious. if he is going to negotiate with democrats at all, they're going to want to know there is something of good faith. not just publicity stunts you and this kind of erratic behavior. somebody is going to take a stand. it is most likely going to be the democrats in this case. >> guys, thank you very much for having this really important conversation. i feel a little lame for getting emotional. but if phil mudd, that tough guy from the cia can-can snap a man's neck with his bare hands, if he can get emotional and teary about all of this, i guess it's all free game for all of us. >> alisyn, it's your humanity. it's your humanity. and it's appreciated. >> thank you, april. i really appreciate that. and i appreciate you and everything that you have said in this conversation. listen, i'm just very grateful we can all have this conversation about the importance of this today.
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gregory. >> the president's vulgar comments come as lawmakers discuss protections that are ending for more than 200,000 people from el salvador. they came to the u.s. after this devastating earthquake and now they must leave in the next 18 months. the situation on the ground hasn't changed. patrick is live in the capital of el salvador with reaction there. what is that, patrick? >> reporter: well, it's just been something of a bombshell here. last night el salvador's foreign minister called on the white house to clarify to either confirm or deny that president trump actually said that. i've asked people on the street what they think, they are taken aback. they said it's racist of a u.s. president to say this. such a close intimate relationship with the united states. 200,000 are under this temporary protected status might now have
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to come home. they send money back here. sit is vital aid. as well as they provide services in the u.s. they do the jobs that americans don't want to go, construction, agricultural jobs. when you drive around el salvador, it is not unlike america. you see american flags. just about everybody has family in the u.s. last night the u.s. ambassador to el salvador tweeted out that she loves the country. it's a beautiful country. her job and the job of diplomats around the world has gotten a lot tougher today because of these comments. john? >> patrick oppmann for us. pats trick, thank you so much. these raceist comments has the presidenten tkpwhrufr engulfed controversy. we'll debate next.
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it was during a meeting with lawmakers when the president asked is why are we having people from all of these shithole countries come here, haiti, al salvador and all the countries in africa. the president said he would much rather have people from norway. ask yourself, what is the difference there? this is not the first time that the president has made racially charged comments. >> i would like to have him show his birth certificate. and can i be honest with you? i hope he can. >> they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. they're bringing rapists. >> we're building a wall. he's a mexican. we're building a wall again here and mechanic co. >> if you look at his wife. she was standing there. she had nothing to say. maybe he wasn't allowed to have anything to say. you tell me.
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>> we had some very bad people in that group. but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. >> although we have a representative in congress who they say was here a long time ago, they call her pocahontas. >> all right. the question a lot of people are asking. a lot of people think they have the answer. is the president a racist? joining us now is cnn political commentator jason miller and ana know srar r know vara. ana, first to you. your reaction? >> i can't even believe you're asking the question if president donald j. racist is a person who is a bigot and is in the white house. of course he is. when a person who shows you who they are, believe them the first time. he showed us throughout his
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life, throughout his campaign, throughout his time as president. he is not going to change. a 71-year-old racist is not going to see jesus and come to a different conclusion and a different heart at this stage in life. this is who he is. and it's up to the rest of us in america to say that that is not who america is. the reason i'm so pissed off about this, john, because i live in miami. it is a vibrant city that have been built by people who come from shitholes like me, people working in hospitals. today the message they need to hear is we are with them. they are part of this community, part of this country and they are what make america great already. >> j.b., i love you but i thought the intro was completely ridiculous. what we are here to talk about is the fact that president trump is trying to get a deal done on
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daca. >> jason, with all due respect, that may be what you're here to talk about. but the president said something that a lot of people reacted to. >> so is let's talk about what he said. he was supposed to have a meeting yesterday where lawmakers come in and talk about merit-based immigration reform. they came to him with something with carveouts. he doesn't want carveouts from folks in specific countries. whether it be uk, norway, japan, haiti, el salvador. he doesn't want carveouts by country. he wants a merit-based immigration system, plain and simple. and the fact that the folks came to him with a plan that isn't acceptable, obviously he is fired out. there was salty language back and forth on either side. so he referred to some of the places in the world might be s-holes. there are a lot of on s-hole countries. >> he only mentioned ones with black and brown people. >> his point was why did you bring me something with
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carveouts and why -- and especially if we're going to have carveouts, tens of thousands of people coming at tps economic level if they're even lucky have is the shirt on their back. >> every time he says something racist, right, every time he says something like this or he says that there are people on both sides of charlottesville where people were chanting jews will not replace us, that is not what he means. >> it has nothing to do with charlottesville. >> it absolutely does, jason. we have heard from the president who he thinks about these issues that deal with race and deal with other. and consistently he says things like this. we are told by people close to the white house, that's not what he meant. >> here's where we disagree, john. the president, because i had an opportunity to spend a lot of time with him. he believes the u.s. is the best country in the history of this
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world. there is a reason why people want to go from el vsalvador to the u.s. the reason people want to come here is because the u.s. is so great. we can't have everyone from the world come in at the same time. that is not realistic. >> just people from norway. go ahead. >> and he wants an individual based, merit-based system similar to what we have in canada. that's what this whole thing was about. also, he said asia. that clearly got left out of the high education levels. but, again, it's about the individual. so it doesn't matter if they're from nigeria, haiti, el salvador. >> i get your point. it does seem to matter to the president. ana, go ahead. >> listen, the reason that this country is great and the reason people want to come here is because this country has been built decade afterdeck aid from the very start by people fleeing
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political persecution, by people fleeing shut holes. they came from shitholes in africa and shackled from the bowels of a ship and whipped and beaten and auctioned like property. a lot of them are buried in arlington. maybe when he was busy dodging the draft to vietnam, instead of talking about shitholes and be a public shameless racist should take a walk outside the white house and see the names imprinted on the wall and see how many people come from shitholes. that is who built this country. that is who today is working just steps away from where i am. they are working at the gaudy gold la may hotels. it is is way my congresswoman, republican congresswoman, ileana
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ros-lehtinen said he is a racist. even rick scott, his mini me, distanced himself from these comments yesterday. even republicans realize just however foolish they look looking into a camera and trying to pretend this was not about black versus white. this was not european versus others. >> then why is it that president trump is actually trying to get a deal done on daca? >> well, you know what, he had been trying -- >> it is a personal attack on president trump. >> jason -- >> you have no argument the fact that he will get a deal done on daca. he is trying to get a comprehensive immigration reform done in a way that obama and bush couldn't. president trump is going to get that done. >> one second, one second. we just heard from the president. ana, wait. we just heard from the president. >> this is not about you and me.
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you can't even watch the president's own words without calling john berman and "new day" ridiculous. this program isn't putting words in his mouth. that's him on video. >> an tpharbgs you're mea that's him on video. >> an tpharbgs you're mena, you. >> i'm not melting. >> it is is not even spring time. >> jason, ana, hang on one second. >> i don't see you look like a buffoon. this is donald trump being a racist. i don't care what you say. >> you should give him some credit. >> the president just put out a statement. the president just put out a statement. the president just put out a statement. and i would like to add that to this conversation right now. the president says the language used by me at the daca meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. what was really tough was the outlandish proposal of a big setback for daca.
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they said he said exactly those words. the white house did not deny that he used the words last night. this morning he is trying to suggest that he didn't say them. jason? >> well, i obviously wasn't inside the meeting so i don't know exactly what was said. i spoke to people in the white house who said this was very clearly this was about merit-based immigration reform. the president said the plan was ridiculous. look, if they're going to try to push for special carveouts whether it's for the uk, haiti or the country, that is not going to be a plan accept isable to the president. >> ana? >> listen, at this point the only thing i have to say is that today, ironically, is the anniversary of the eight-year anniversary of the earthquake that struck hate where over 700,000 haitians died. and i hope we can reflect on that today as a country, have a moment of silent and said that
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country, which is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and has sent us some of the best americans we have here, working hard to contribute to this society. let's give them a thought and some prayers today. >> jason, what about compassion, right? what about compassion about the people from haiti who came to the united states? it's also been reported that the president said in meetings that they all have aids. as far as people from africa go, the "new york times" reported that he said people from nigeria should go back to their huts. how do you explain that away? >> well, john, you bring up an important part about compassion because the u.s. is the most compassionate country. >> has been. it has been historically. >> and it still is. we still bring in tens of thousands of folks a year from countries who are going through tragedies to try to help people out. when they say tps, the t stands for temporary. we're not bringing folks in and saying we're giving you
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automatic citizenship or you will be here permanently. there is a process. if folks want to apply to be a citizen of the united states, there is a process for that. we can't just go and give citizenship to everyone in the world who wants it. again, everyone in the world wants to come here because the u.s. is so great. we have big hearts. we're he a very compassionate society. but we can only do so much. >> we have been. ana, i want to ask this to you. i've been asking all morning. mitch mcconnell, speaker ryan, where are ow this? they have been silent on the president's comments. do they need to make a statement? and the lack of a statement, does that mean they approve of what the president says? does that mean that the leadership of the republican party stands by the sentiment expressed by the president? >> there's been a lot of republicans in congress. i have read the tweets and the statements about this. but it is important for the
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leadership to say this is not what they represent. this is not what they stand by. this is not what is acceptable in america. it is important for the republican leaders to remember, be especially this weekend as we go into martin luther king weekend. we are the party of a lincoln. it was built to be inclusive. it was built on equality, on fighting for people's rights. and this type of racism, this type of bigotry will not go unanswered by republican leadership. yes, they have a duty. it is a pain in the neck. it say pain in the neck for republican leaders to have to spend their time responding to donald trump, but it is not an option. silence is complicity. such bigotry is tearing america part today. >> where ana and i agree republican is the party of inclusiveness. we are the compassionate party. again, that's why i think president trump and the republicans in congress have the ability to get a deal done to
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help the d.r.e.a.m.ers. >> but jason, you've been talking about immigration reform. that is part of the discussion but not the whole discussion. >> that was the entire discussion. >> no. that's why they were in the room. and then the president said what he said. okay. >> in a broader context of the merit-based -- >> can i say something? >> go ahead, ana. >> if this is about that then i say to donald j. racist, put up or shut up. get a plan signed and delivered. we've got a deadline ticking and we've got kids -- >> my question -- ana, hang on. my question -- ana, wait. >> this is now in danger. >> my question to danger is, if the president said the people of haiti all had aids -- >> the white house denied that. >> if anyone said it, are those racist comments?
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>> that's a false binary choice you're presenting. the white house said those comments were made. >> the president just said that he didn't call the countries shithole countries after they told every media organization they did. >> he said the language being represented wasn't accurate. again, wasn't in the meeting yesterday. >> what you don't want to say the comments, if he said that, is not racist. >> i could turn around and say things to you that are completely irrelevant and try to say, john berman, will you say the following is terrible? that's irrelevant. because they weren't said. you're trying to bait me and put me in a corner and say the president is something he is not. i had the opportunity to spends hundreds of hours with the president last year in 2016 traveling around what i saw is a president who wants to represent all americans. i saw the event he did in little haiti, in inner-city and whether it be in cleveland when i
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campaigned him. he was talking about school choice and infrastructure and all of these things. there is a reason he did two points better with african-americans and three points better than mitt romney did with hispanics four years earlier. there is a message of hope and optimism. you know who is benefiting the most now in this country? right now it is the unemployment rate is going down the most. >> you said the president wants to represent all americans. apparently not as of today. americans are people in america who come from haiti. because he said the people from haiti, get them out. >> this isn't a global village. is that what you're trying to say? >> i'm saying the president said the people from haiti, get them out. hose were his sentiments. you said he wanted to represent everybody. i'm clarifying that he seems to have some line there that doesn't include -- >> if we want to keep america the absolute best place on the planet, we have to reform our immigration system.
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look at what he is doing with daca, trying to come up with a deal. >> jason, we have to go. alisyn has an interview right now. but we don't know what he wants to do with daca. >> we do know. >> he said bring me a bill. and when they brought him a bill, he said no. we don't know where he stands. kevin mccarthy told the president where he stands. >> he said he wants to get a deal done not just on daca but more comprehensive immigration reform with border security. no one else is doing that. he's the one doing that. >> members of congress have been sitting trying to hammer something out. he rejected it. jason, we have to go. jason, ana, great to have you with us. i appreciate the discussion and the passion involved. tim ryan of ohio to talk about all of this. thanks for being here. what a morning. >> exhausting. >> the president just tweeted about that. let me read it for everybody who is just joining us. the language used by me at the
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daca meeting was tough but this was not the language used. what was really tough was the outlandish proposal made -- a big setback for daca! just to be clear, that's contradictory, number one. number two, all the senators have had 14 hours to come out and say that's not what happened in there. none of them have come out and reputed it. cnn has sources, not one, plural sources, that do tell us that the president said that he doesn't want people from blank hole countries. i'm going to go with sources and plural. can you share what your thoughts were when you heard what happened in that meeting? >> when we were home over holiday break, the one thing i heard more than once is exhausted. he's not the president, he is the king of chaos really. there's all of this drama that surrounds the president of the united states. it seems like every were single day he's insulting, he's
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dividing. and i think what we saw with this comment yesterday i think reveals to a lot of people f. you're not a billionaire, you don't live in a gold plated trump tower, you're somehow interfere. whether it's black people from africa or black people in the united states or brown people who are here who want to assimilate and come into the country or white working class people. we talked about this a lot. and i think even here during the campaign. if you go back, president trump was discriminating against black people with housing units 40 years ago. >> so you think he has a pattern of racism. >> i don't think there's any question about it. i don't take any joy in saying it. it is sad that he is the president of the united states. four years ago he was discriminating against people. he has a pattern of screwing workers, not paying them, waitress, waiters, electrical workers, small business people. over the years he just destroys people, insults people, screws
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them financially, over his entire life. so we're just seeing that pattern continuing. >> you hear supporters. they say, oh, no, this is about the president wanting this to be a merit-based system. do you see any other way than these being racist comments that we don't want people from africa, el salvador and haiti. >> of course we want people to come to the united states. we want to create businesses, innovate. they are small business people in the united states. of course they want to keep that. but there's also room in the united states from people who are coming from countries where there's ethnic cleansing. where there's natural disasters. when did america become a place where we didn't have the courage or strength to take those people in. i come from a long line of italian immigrants and irish immigrants who came to this country. what would president trump have called or his dad called those
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countries that were my italian grandparents. i wonder what he called them? >> what happened to the united states of the poor, huddled, hungry masses? do we no longer want people who need our help? it sounds like he wants a foundational change to immigration. we're not going to help people who are persecuted or help people from poverty-stricken countries, just send us your blonde, blue-eyed ivy league scholars, please. >> i think the president of the united states wants it to be one big mar-a-lago. you look pretty, you look handsome, you can get into the club. that's not what the united states was made of on. that's not why the united states was here. look at the founding folks that started our country. you know, we were considered the rabble rousers, peasant stock.
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the opportunity to get into mar-a-lago, not to put the gates up and say, hey, if you're already there, no one else is allowed in. >> if you have $200,000, you can get in. given the president feels this way as he outlined in this meeting, what does this mean for the future of immigration, for the plan and daca that seemed to be sort of on track yesterday. but now what? >> this is, again, the pattern where you think you can get close to a deal with the president, and he goes back on his word or injects some kind of chaos. it is important -- i had a very powerful meeting with d.r.e.a.m.ers from ohio in my office. a lot of tears shed. these are young kids who got here 10, 11, 12 years old. one of them was going to med school. one had a year of law school at the university of cincinnati. all working hard. and they would say things like i don't get to see my mom because she works three jobs.
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and i really haven't seen her much in the last four or five years. they are working hard trying to live the american dream. for the president to dismantle that and make that so difficult to do is really tragic. and, again, it's a setback. i want the d.r.e.a.m.ers to know, i want the latino community to know, i want the african-american community to know, the immigrant community to know there are politicians in washington, d.c. that are standing up for them and fighting for them. and we need to be united in the united states. >> yeah. >> we can solve these problems. they're not unsolvable. >> well, it sounds like they are. here's the tweet that the president sent out. it's long but i think it gives some insight into what his thinking is thofrpbg. the so-called bipartisan daca deal presented yesterday to myself and a group of republican senators and congress was a big step backwards. wall was not properly funded. chain and lottery were made worse.
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i want a merit based system of immigration and people to help take our country to the next level. i want safety and security for our people. i want to stop the massive in flow of drugs and fund our military not do a defund. because of the democrats not being asked in life and safety, daca has taken a big step backwards. the dems will threaten shutdown. what they are really doing is shutting down our military, at a time we need it most. get smart, america great great again! >> the military. look, president trump just spearheaded a tax cut bill that will end up costing $2.3 trillion that when 80% of it went to the wealthiest people in the country. now he says we don't have money for this. we don't have money for that. so is he's the one injecting chaos into this scenario. my one critique of the democrats would be i think we came in low. the president's big deal was the
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wall. >> yeah. >> our big deal is we want a pathway to citizenship. we want to solve this problem. >> for the d.r.e.a.m.ers. >> for the d.r.e.a.m.ers and for effect. pay a fine. learn the language. pay any back taxes. come to the united states and let's solve this problem. democrats, we should be negotiating from a higher place. >> congressman tim ryan, we really appreciate you being here. >> thanks. good luck today. >> a quick programming note. corey lewandowsky will be on cuomo primetime 9:00 p.m. eastern. >> what could possibly go wrong there. all right. president trump canceling his trip to london next month and he's blaming president obama. a live report next.
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new this morning, the mayor of london is lashing out president trump for calling off his visit to the united kingdom next month. the president cancelled his visit over night. now he says he's not going. why? this is what the president says, not a big fan of the obama administration having sold perhaps for the best locater finding embassy in london in peanuts only to build a new one in an off location for $1.2 billion. bad deal, wanted me to cut ribbon. no. could it be that he's not going
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because there could be some mass protest. live at the u.s. embassy with more, nick walsh, good morning. >> reporter: live at the embassy. one of the nicest districts here in london. it was an administration citing security and concerns. a billion pound project, $1.3 billion, plenty of money to pay for the facility behind me. the real figure at this point and put aside of the misinterpretation of this real estate deal. i didn't think anybody is expected to have a well welcome
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here. the mayor responding to the strange decision, the mayor of london saying perhaps, donald trump quote, "finally got the message and his decisiveness is not welcome here and he could expect a massive protest." many london of the most powerful man in the world to spend the early hour this morning to think about and tweeting about it. it is sadly and an issue of some fun here rather about the special relationship. allison. >> nick, thank you for expla explaining all of that strange necessary to us from london. your news feed is getting a make over on facebook. what you can expect to see first on your feed now.
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news change on facebook. the change will affect 2 billion users. cnn lauren seagal is live in san francisco with more, this is a big deal. >> reporter: you have to think about this. we have seen some unflattering things of facebook over the last year of the weaponization of the platform to interfere with the election. looking at post is not good for menial health. i spoke to facebook vp, the new idea and the tweaking of the algorithm is hopefully quality over quantity. >> the idea is focusing more on bringing people together by trying to put more emphasis on more meaningful and social
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interactions between people. the way we do that is commenting or writing a longer comments or how long do you think you may watch it for or less. as a result, the ecosystem could shift. >> could that lead to less daily active users? >> i think anything is possible. we have not seen that people come to facebook less often. we see people spend a little less time on facebook. we think that if we put in the experience that people finding it meaningful, over the long run, they're going to use their experience with the flat form mo form -- plat forform more. >> all of these real philosophical ethical questions that's becoming of a worldwide platform. is this trying to take a step away from those uncomfortable editorial questions. >> i don't think there is any future in which we are not having difficult conversations
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of sticky issues. >> increasingly so, right? >> yes. >> along with that comes with a lot of attention and scrutiny. this is going to change that. >> reporter: i will say one thing to look at, this could potentially reward comments that provoke actions. think of some of people on facebook that likes to start this type of conversation and sometimes they go down a rabbit hole. a lot of publishers are worried what it means to them. a lot of people are putting a lot of weight on making sure getting it on facebook. this is zuckerberg's part one fixing facebook. i think we'll see many changes over next year. >> it is a brave new world and new one knows where it leads. >> laurie, thank you for being on the forefront for us.
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we are following a lot of news this morning. lets get right to it. >> this is cnn breaking news. >> welcome to your "new day," it is friday, january 12th, 8:00. john berman is joining me. >> it is a new day. a new uncensored day. >> yes, it is really is here and of these comments donald trump denied making. they were racially charged of immigrants the president tweeted the language he used was tough but he claims he did not slam i am immigrants and africa and el salvador of people from blank hole country. the president did not deny that he made those remarks or either of the senators. >> you know who we have not heard from, republican leader paul ryan and mitch m


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